NFPW Code of Conduct
NFPW Code of Conduct
The National Federation of Press Women (NFPW) is committed to providing a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for all meeting participants, speakers and panelists. All participants—including, but not limited to, attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors, staff members, service providers and all others—are expected to abide by this Code of Conduct. This policy applies to all NFPW-related events and settings, whether in person or virtual.
NFPW expects all participants to
- Present themselves, interact and communicate in a professional and constructive manner, whether in person or virtually.
- Ensure that no current, new or prospective member will be excluded or discriminated against due to any aspect of their identity.
- Respect the dignity of others and refrain from the use of profane, insulting or otherwise offensive language, including that which constitutes harassment or abuse of others who are participating with NFPW.
- Handle dissent or disagreement with courtesy, dignity and an open mind.
- Speak up if you experience or observe anything that conflicts with this Code of Conduct. NFPW board members are available for assistance.
- Wear their conference badge during all in-person, conference-related programming and present it upon request by staff or other event personnel.
Unacceptable Behavior:
- Harassment, intimidation or discrimination in any form.
- Verbal abuse of any kind including verbal comments related to disability, appearance, body size, race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity.
- Disruption of speakers, presenters or any individuals engaged in the public presentation of conference-related content, both in person and online. This includes video-teleconferencing hijacking, frequently referred to as “Zoom-bombing.”
- Sexual harassment, which includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed or have any other concerns, please contact an NFPW board member immediately. Contact information will be shared with participants prior to each event.
Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior:
- Anyone requested to cease unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. NFPW staff and board members, hotel personnel or security may take any action deemed necessary and appropriate. If necessary, law enforcement will be engaged.
- Engaging in unacceptable behavior as described in this Code of Conduct may result in being asked to leave the event and/or being barred from future events, as well as having online access denied.